Drawdown Horse

Drawdown Horse Drawdown Horse Drawdown Horse
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The bard and the top are built to mate with the saddle treebars so it imitates a horses back. The saddle tree sets on the stand in the same position that it would be on a horse, allowing you an easier way to visualize your skirts and rigging line.

The drawdown ratchet can be worked from the front or back. Also, there is no bar to hit your shins. The spring helps maintain tension on your seat strap as you work the seat into place.

The drawdown features a hydraulic mechanism in the base that allows you to change the height of work. It has an 8” adjustment from 37’ to 45” which saves your back. The drawdown also turns, therefore you no longer need to walk around your work.

Cantle Binding Sewing Attachment

This attachment will tilt the saddle up giving you better visibility while sewing the cantle. Also works well to aid in stamping the cantle and swell cover.

Laser Attachment

We make a laser attachment that can attach right to our draw down. After finding the center point of the horn and the top of the cantle, the laser projects a cross on the saddletree from above. One line gives you an exact 90 degree to the centrer line of the tree, allowing you a place to measure for the placement of the rigging plates, stirrup leather slots, and more.

Quantity Description / Price
Drawdown Horse/Cantle Binding Atachment — $1500.00